Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Riverside Glory Holes

love forever

" When someone wants to start a family, he is obliged to make efforts to out of himself, to open another - husband or wife - and later their children. However, the error of human beings is to not have understood they had to widen the circle even family, and extend their love other creatures, the whole universe. why are not
still happy, even with the their family and their friends. Happiness lies in not only be a stop, or two or ten or one hundred ... but to love forever. Continue therefore to love those who already love, but widened again circle of your love to have exchanges with all superior creatures: angels, archangels, hierarchies heaven, the Lord ... Then, your family and your friends will enriched, enhanced, embellished, cleansed, thanks to all who cherish the sublime states your heart and your soul. "

Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov

The photo above is taken by " TheLadyOfTheLake " on Photobucket - Granted license in "Terms of Use Agreement Photobucket.com "

Monday, July 26, 2010

If You Saw One Cockroach Do You Have More?

The spiritual rose

" A tradition reports that the roses are separate from the planet Venus they have agreed to incarnate on Earth to help humans. But who knows the mission of roses? "We need them to decorate the gardens and apartments, to attract a man or seduce a woman. In fact, the rose has the task of revealing the path of true love.'s role, the message of the rose.
If the rose is considered the queen of flowers, is because it teaches us true love, love that imprisons the love that liberates. The day humans will understand the sacrifice it has made coming together and agreeing to receive his message, perhaps it will become similar: everywhere, as they pass, will impregnate the atmosphere of a delicious perfume. "

Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov

The photo above is taken by" Hamed Saber "on Flickr, Creative Commons license.