In this era where you feel strongly that the spirit of millenarian " end of the world", either for the messages of Our Lady's apparitions in Medjugorje monthly, you for today new age followers who identify in some Mayan prophecy (which is not a prophecy but an end of the calculation of the calendar) in 2012 as a turning point, I naturally turn to the past and consider the thought of millenarian distinguished theologians of the Middle Ages.
Among these, Joachim of Fiore (1130-1202), the Calabrian abbot and theologian, developed his thought in a period of history after one thousand years, when it was realized that the expectation of the imminent descent of the Messiah and the second the subsequent resurrection and Final Judgement should be turned back in history. He did
Joachim of Fiore in his theology of history in the "three ages of earthly history, "arguing that there was a time when he worked mainly on Father (where God revealed Himself in the Old Testament), then the time has operated mainly on Son (which inspired the New Testament ), and finally the modern times in which it operates mainly Holy Spirit (which is to begin by Gioachino 1260).
More precisely (source Wikipedia ):
- Age of the Father: the narratives of the corresponding Testament, extended in time from Adam to Uzziah king of Judah (784-746);
- Age of the Son: represented by the Gospel and including the advent of Jesus, extended in time from 1260 until Uzziah;
- Age of the Holy Spirit : extended in time from 1260 until the end of the "sabbatical millennium," or that period in which humanity through a life lived in an atmosphere of purity and freedom would have had more grace.
the evening of that same day, the first of the week, while the doors were locked the place where they were disciples for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." He showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Having said this, he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit: whose sins are forgiven and who does not forgive them, are retained" . (John, 20, 19-23)
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