Friday, June 4, 2010

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The divine couple , Izanagi and Izanami

recounted in the Kojiki (Memoirs Antiquity) of the Shinto tradition that the world was created by the divine couple, Izanagi (meaning "one who calls ") and Izanami (meaning "one who calls "), or the first man and the first woman.
They are thus the progenitors of all kami (Shinto deities). Originally

on Earth existed only a vast ocean, then bring out the land the two kami took a spear (see picture on the side ) which mixed the muddy ocean floor and drew out: the mud poured from the pipe was born the first island, followed by eight others, who make up the existing islands of Japan.

The divine couple then decided to leave the kingdom of Heaven and Earth moving. So it was that the first four children were born: the god of the sea O-Wata-Tsu-Mi , the god of the mountains, O-Yama-Tsu-Mi , the god of the trees, Kuku-no-chi and the god of the wind, Shina-Tsu-Hiko .
The fifth son, the god of fire Kagu-Tsuchi burned his mother in genital parts to such an extent that he died. The father Izanagi, full of rage, beheaded the god of fire and went into the underworld to bring back to Earth's sister-wife. Since
Izanami had already eaten the food of the underworld had become impure. Izanagi would be able to save if return journey he had never watched, but an impatience to see it (and saw it really horrible) betrayed him, so she sent him forth from the underworld, and finally turned into demons, then became the queen.

Back on Earth, Izanagi blew his nose so hard, purified from impurities, which begat the god of storms Susanoo. Finally, in his right eye was born the god of the Moon, Tsukuyomi , and his left eye, the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu .

For further :
Wikipedia - Izanagi - \u200b\u200bIzanagi to the underworld


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