Taming cells
" Did you see the beasts in a circus? As long as the trainer is present, they stay calm and obey him, but as soon as he walks away, roar, they cause each other and are ready to jump on each other. Well, you know that the same thing happens with the cells of your body. As long as you are present, they are submissive and dominated, but as soon as you leave, as soon as you become negligent, they are only their head and your body is affected in a painful way.
You must therefore take care of your cells, make them come to your senses, nourish, purify, and then, obviously, you no longer see them as a beast, but as your children. Only when you are able to train them to perform their job without question and without fighting, you will know peace at last. "
Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov
The photo above is taken by " Jurvetson " on Flickr, Creative Commons license
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