existence there a law stating that everything 'that is done sooner or later return. If you and 'we will return done good' good, and if we hurt, we will return 'evil.
It 's the Law of Karma, according to Indian culture or if you want the law of retaliation described in the triplets of the Divine Comedy, or even bibbliche the proverb "he who sows the wind picks Storm" (Book of Hosea 8:7), or the saying of Cicero, ut sementem feceris, ita metes (as you sow, so reap - De speaker 2, 65, 261).
and this law is' explained also by the similarity Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov bank of heavenly :
"The banks do not exist only on the ground: banks are also in Heaven. emanations All our bright and pure, all our actions, our feelings and our thoughts inspired by the noble, selfless love and generosity are classified as unknown to us from celestial entities who have this task and are then placed in heaven as a capital
bank in our name: it is as if we had opened an account. Later, when experiencing difficulties or want to do of good and help the creatures, we seek help and support: the bank granting us know immediately. But if there is no registered capital, Heaven knows the bank there.
many are wondering if their prayers are heard or not from heaven! Here's the answer: Heaven hears and answers only those who have deposited in the bank of the riches of God. "
The photo above is taken by" swisscan "on Flickr, Creative Commons license.
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