Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2002 Suburban Subwoofer

fucking printer!

you, Evil!
No, there Mrs A that is not a top, okay, some of you know this because I am in person or vent in the forum, but here is a long time that I write, but the latter is too good, so I break the silence.

The fact this time is with your printer, demonic contraption that gets enjoyment out make it difficult. "I print the pages on the contrary, look!" Complained showing how the pages come out neatly from one to two and so on. Not seeing
the problem, I must point out that the paper already sorted out. So how could "go backwards"? Presto said. Looking at her I find that the method to take the first sheet, places it on the desk (face up), it rests on the second and so on. And you think then!
"No, I have sorted them out," I say. "Look, you just have to wait to finish and you print them all sorts her, then scratch them together and you're done."
He looks unconvinced. "But no, I'm all messed up and I fix them myself."
No, there is no way to make him understand, at least so it seems. Instead on Thursday, quietly, I see her do as I say I, and I almost touched by this gesture that a little 'reminds me of the experiment, the chimpanzee that - from that you laugh - understand the mechanism of the box to take the peanuts. Yes, but A is not a chimpanzee - maybe! - In fact this afternoon we went back to the old method.

Now, I do not know about you, but from day to day I'm afraid to see it hit the printer with a bone or a stone, shouting until the monkey Paper does not really come out otherwise. We accept bets.

PS Unfortunately - Ale! - Thursday is not so this will be discussed next Tuesday. Stay tuned!


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