Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Clean Your Refurbished Tub

Examination 2004, Catanzaro is a paradise lost

After the scandal, examination papers elsewhere in the South promoted the collapse of those who resort to the expedient to make the Tar oral in their district

It took a life, under Vesuvius, to correct the tasks carried out in mid-December of 2004 by 3,078 young people in the judicial district of Milan. In June, when the parallel committee Ambrogina had already done to examine the evidence of 3428 (nearly four hundred more) Campania, they were still there, bowing to labor on a huge pile of documents to consider. Till, extending in an extension, have finished the job in mid-September. "We?", Asked to be on. "We" have to be answered down. And the armored truck load of envelopes with the written tests evaluated in Milan has left for the Gulf to exchange finally the results. Not at all, behind closed doors, "Desolatissimi, but today is the feast of San Gennaro." Stop.
Rest. Drain. Load. And return. The truck will arrive in Milan this morning, nine months after "conception" of the subjects, while oral examinations in the rest of Italy are under way for weeks. But you already know, we said, how it went: 2137 welcome to the second round. Record of all time.
With an increase of 39.35%. All phenomena. While on the other side must have been a wave of pacifiers: candidates last year, examined the city bell, had passed the written in 68.64% of cases. This time, the Fair moved from Posillipo Milanese, came out badly: 55% of mouth. With an increase of 23% rejected. Here the theme is reversed: it can be so poor? Or rather, we insist, is something rotten in the system? "I do not do tests anymore," replies the lawyer Ferruccio Zuccaro Varese, Milan was that the committee chairman.
Too many variables. A lottery games without the grimace: where you fall you fall. A sub-committee of Naples, the VI, has promoted 94% of its 300 candidates. One of Milan, the thirteenth, it was voted down 79.1%. It is not over, Zuccaro polemic laughs: "At oral each sub-committee should prepare every morning a number of questions to the candidates are equal to three of the candidates themselves. After the aspiring lawyer should pull out its two questions, and we should question him only on those. A delirium. But you can really evaluate so, people? ". And all because? "Because this is a state that does not trust even himself. What, then ... Might as well go back to the quiz. "
sure. The sarannoavvocati.it forum hosted yesterday a letter signed "asshole": "Hello everyone, I just passed the mouth with a good recommendation. What Goduria ... ass to all those who have not passed the writing ... rotten on the books. We know that the world is made to scale, but some people take the elevator ...».
not enough, true to the motto "the law passed, find the loophole," some have already discovered how to break the deadlock. And the Tar Italy are beginning to be half-submerged the remedies of those who were not admitted. In a nutshell: if you use the administrative courts can not legally enter into the details of your written test. However, they can accept your protests and take them on a formal defect subject to the oral. Orally do not further away but in your natural home: Naples, Catania, Torino, Campobasso ... Where words can come into play those external variables that the news decided by Roberto Castelli after the scandal of rigged tests of Catanzaro wanted to eliminate. And once you passed the oral, really someone will redo the writings? Of course, the final table of the promoted and rejected that we publish is amazing. The Trentino examined earn Caltanissetta 20 points, the Ligurian Salerno 26, the Tuscan Catanzaro 38, Marches to Reggio Calabria 15 ... Elsewhere it is rather a massacre: the Brescia Messina examined undergo mowing by 34% to 26% of Basilicata in Perugia, the Umbrian Campobasso of 38% and 37% in Ancona, Reggio Calabria, Salerno to Messina to 41%. For an overall decrease in Italy (no data of Milan and Naples, too fresh) by almost 23%.
The real carnage, however, is in Catanzaro. It was a paradise for those who wanted to pass the exam. There were lawyers who accepted crowds of young men eager to do the apprenticeship of two years there and sometimes even their fornivan address for the residence. Registrars that you signed & Attendance snobbish. Hotels and resorts on the coast that we have offered the formula "all inclusive (meals, accommodation and bus to and from exam site). Night-club that 'Lawyers Party. " But above all there was an astounding rate of promotions. A year went the exact opposite of Milan: 94% of pipes under the Blessed Virgin, 94% promoted there.
Until, of course, exaggerated. And in the summer of 2000 emerged from a survey that examined the participants well in December 1997 to 2301 2295 (all except 6) were copied. Word for word. The local bar association, before the scandal, the newspapers screamed against the North: 'Destructive ferocity. " The Corriere della Sera published the confidences of a candidate: "How is it that way? Enter a commissioner and says, "Write." It begins to dictate, slowly. " Fear? But no: "There can not do anything. There are too many. "
He was right. Years of investigation and controversy, then prescription for everyone. The publicity of the scandal (what a shame ...) had even increased arrivals. And the writings of December 2003, the last before the system change with the hijacking in the north of the issues to be considered, candidates were dell'Avvocatificio Catanzaro 3261 (one thousand more than before the scandal) and welcome 2768. How Veneto, Piedmont, Val d'Aosta, Umbria, Liguria, Tuscany and Marche combined. Five times more than allowed (609) this year with the tasks examined in Florence. "Ferocity destructive"? Corriere della
SeraGian Antonio Stella21 September 2005


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