Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Difference Between Ingrown Hair And Genital Wart

Consideration Catanzaro 1998: nothing process

It 'just that knows how many have obtained a license in 1998.
Call for a fine of 3 million and a half for candidates who copied.

Il Corriere della Sera has published Friday, March 23, 2001 the news of the request for a waiver of the penalty and trial examination of the candidates that took place in 1998 in Catanzaro. After months of investigations, prosecutors Roberta and Francesco Raffaele Zinno surrendered to the impossibility of proceeding against the 2,210 candidates who had copied during an examination as to the legal profession of Catanzaro.I two judges have thus asked the head of the investigating magistrate, Antonio Baudi, to sign a penal order to pay a fine of 3 million and a half pounds. The request stems from an awareness of the courts that a trial of 2,210 defendants, with all series of appeals and objections arising, hardly could be accomplished without falling into prescription. Not to spoil all the investigations and the work of the prosecution and the Guardia di Finanza, the prosecutors have decided to resort to criminal order: so even if you do not appear before the judge, defendants, who have since been promoted in mass on 'examination in 1998, should at least pay a fine.


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