Ekklesia 360
Designerblog.it I read on, our blog dedicated to new trends in graphic design, architecture and design, which is multiplying at an amazing Web sites of churches and parishes "very stylish" full of graphics and CSS. Not all, because proliferation is also dedicated to Cms Church officials.
"Ekklesia 360 - The Church total web solution" is certainly one of the best. It is a next-generation content management system designed specifically for a parish, and allows you to create eye-catching graphics, manage the faithful to enter information and so on.
Among the main functions, the ability to insert (like a blog) the sermons or homilies and disseminate them through newsletters, podcasts and RSS, manage the entry of persons to the various courses organized, attracting more visitors to add events and even allow you to make love (or buy goods produced by the Parish for charity) by credit card.
only data that is in contrast? The software is free of charge.
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