Friday, January 28, 2011

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Sunshine Award: I won and I ... well, you might even have won it you. Check the list! Shortness of breath

Yes, I know that there is a prize that goes like chain letters, which is not a contest but one thing between blogger friends and all that stuff, but glad because you give it to you who is still the law, and if he does it because he likes what you write beyond the fact that you do one thousand thousand users per day, or just your aunt Philomena she knows only connect on the Internet homepage, where you - bastard - you put the blog to make sure at least his visits, so the Sunshine Award at me like I gave it to me because Michael, I read recently (and maybe that's why me vote, but we do not say it) and we have already convinced that it was worth giving me this award. I can not run again in my turn, eh? Okay. Thanks, I words. Indeed, the fact and I have to finish the post.

Then, the rules of the Sunshine Award are easy easy:
  1. bears the logo of the premium in the post. Done!
  2. Thank you to those who voted. Done!
  3. appointed twelve other blog. Ostia!, Twelve?
Okay, we hope to do it and go with the strict order alfabetologico!

So , the Sunshine Award goes to ...
Alex McNab Girola , that when I follow it puts an interesting post after another, and then hath been invented Survival Blog on all by myself and 'I'm the guy you just can not deny an award, deserves them all.

Eva Luna, which I discovered recently and am interested in his reviews and pleasant manner in which he writes.

Ferruccio Gianola , who collects them and maybe this can end up with the folder points to be covered with merino Shimano. Oh, and then those who follow him loves him, there is little to be done.

gelostellato (all lower case, for the love of Beelzebub!, Who cares, but Frost's okay with a capital letter - it 'that stuff, I miss just want to know how the coffee and then we duck twins), because it is only him but also because the touch - perhaps (but it does, then?) - write another post on the Sunshine Award, and this upset him nicely. Oh, and mind you that revenge is not a cross why do not you tell me what it means Cagunzio! And now excuse me, I have no limarmi the nose if I scratch the walls and pull down the pictures.

Jonlooker , commenting in a fun and the most brilliant advertising that passes orripugnanti TV. Thank you for the sacrifice, but especially for hilarious results.
Polideuce , which updates his blog daily with the constancy of a Carthusian Monaco. Or the Byzantine Empire, which keeps us more!

Queen of Toucans , who writes from the canyon and recounts the life of lil desert frontier between the civilized and the wild Los Angeles. Or was it the other way around? No no, I know it's more just like this.

Cora Simone, who writes many of those reviews that I wonder where you find time for his stories and - well, even to live, after all. He is also good, damn him!

Snefru that post interesting history between the period of Marie Antoinette and other far more mundane and fooling around, is one of the most enjoyable to follow.
Eh, what next? Oh, not so many that followed. Yes, there would be big ones, followed by legions of people ... but to give him an award of this kind seems to me to bring the eggs to the chickens. What is the point? No, I prefer to reward those who know little, or better, with the wish not to become large and followed by a thousand thousand people - the mass, I wish that too, because they deserve it - but above all to continue to have fun doing what they do, then is the most important thing.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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My problem is that I have shortness of breath. Oh, and do not depend on mica by the fact that I am a bit 'overweight, and then run do not talk about it at all. No, I have little say in general. To say, in the past days I threw out a post after another after not even remember how long. I mean, I'm scared too! Oh, see what happens now that I take the rhythm and I write every day as serious ones. No, not at all, the wind pulled me back and I am short tumble in either half of the marathon. Yes, but then, where we run? Okay, I do not have a problem, it's the same thing when I do not write for the blog. I tell really long quasi-novel I've never baked, even there after a while 'breath and pulls me goodbye, if I stop to stretch risk of that water so that I do to pay the first story in the sea. Same thing with the passions of a moment, then take them back unless I burn quickly in hand with time.
Behold, I have a nice Cioppo of interests which occasionally come back to the surface, such as indigestion or gas bubbles underwater. There are neanderthal and a bit 'all matters relating to the Stone Age, then, if we go back, the whole evolutionary history of man, and even beyond the dinosaurs and their contemporaries pterosaurs (my favorite since I was a child ), but if you rewind fast forward there are some scattered around the world civilization, the Aztec is one of those on which I am documenting in more detail at this time, but already known that decreases the frequency of reading, and then even there we see that I pushed too hard on the accelerator. I function well, a bit 'wrong, but it's a manufacturing defect desperate. So then returns cyclically this or that curiosity, and then tell me updated on all these things in a pattern to say the least erratic, like a child who blindfolded him and put his hand in a bowl to catch the numbers. Yes, just like the lottery - or the lottery (I did not understand the difference mica, and since I do not care I never filled this gap). The desire to write is wandering, indeed more than anything else is inspiration. That
daughter of Sultan is a street cat, you can bet his mustache from hawk do not have. It makes you purr and then is distracted, spring because he saw something that has distracted from the sparrow out of the window at the dinner ready. He is away for days and when you look back as if to say, "I'm looking for?. Or am I that I did not discipline - eh, you can bet on that the pituitary gland that instead force you to - I do not know to manage and live in the wild, I act a bit 'like a tiger's daughter miagolante dwarf, which is why all in all, I did not take appearance (perhaps also because, having been trained by my cat to live in accordance with a creature adorably dictatorial), are now a fear that is accommodating. That's so, maybe I have shortness of breath because I am calm as a cat. Or a lake. Or a lake of cats. If something catches my eye does not give up until I'm sick, often leaving there anything else I should do instead, or terminate. That must be why pull a long story is not from me, although I'd be able to write a book, and I'm going to try it sooner or later, maybe starting from a series of stories that come together. So here is yes, may be the only way to get out of me something. Which is how I function in all things, in small portions joined together. Here, but I do not know how to finish this post precisely because I pull my breath, so close here and meow.

Friday, January 21, 2011

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I scattered the voice, rather than spread it, on the initiative of that great Cagunzio of gelostellato - all lower case, which keeps us (the Cagunzio But no, I know, but that I could not resist) - about the 100 BOOKS TO APPEAR FIGH has mentioned here and here short and a bit 'I already mentioned, too, because let's face it, it seems to me an idea that could only have him, so much as Fique crowds. And good Frost, I'll Pat-pat! the little head!
Yes, but for you who do not know anything and you feel you do thud! down from pear (oh, you will do well dropping a thud, or not?), It will be well spent two words. So what are these books to look cool? Well, they are the ones that everybody talks about but few have read, these best sellers who have influenced popular culture, which are cited most of the gospels in church and so on. Books that even someone known to have been books before that film, type Tarzan and King Kong to say. And you, as you're cool, or - to stay in theme - as it seemed through your readings? Oh, but do not rush to read the list, because the project is still ongoing (and then I washed in front of exits, and eye that slips), you can even join the discussion on the 100 that will form The final classification Blog gelostellato , but first I just read very carefully the two posts that I linked at the beginning, then Frost s'incazza that should explain everything to everyone, one by one, every time. Poor guy.

Oh, and it also has the Group on Facebook!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

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The Ingrattabili Cornelius Kane

Have you ever wondered how life would be in our place if there were domestic dogs and cats? No? Me neither, but he did Cornelius Kane (which is the pseudonym of Anthony O'Neal , Australian author of other things you can find on your site ) with The Ingrattabili . I discovered by accident while I was Christmas shopping - was in 2009, I believe - and I happened up this book, so after reading the back cover and a little 'for opening words I thought were good as a gift for friend. Without the purchase but I could not levarmelo from the head, so the next day or so I went to pick up a copy for me too. Heck, if I did well! Besides being fun, it's somewhat satirical towards the contemporary human society, with our pets vices and virtues that follow - as they say in these cases - of their masters. From the slums of the Kennels of graffiacieli Gathattan, you see them in all colors and all races, including the protagonists McNash Crusher, bull terrier Team investigates mysterious carnicidi seats, Than with the help of Cassius Lap, a Siamese FBI (Feline Bureau of Investigation), and this should already intrigued, but there is even better, a world transformed but recognizable in all its lights and shadows.
Now and then I just finished arm of the law feline , a new venture between noir and yellow, dog and cat, slums and graffiacieli. Really, it happens so rarely to have fun and drink almost a book, or can not wait to find time to devour another generous handful of pages. In most books are unconnected, even if they enjoy a degree of continuity but it is not necessary to know to enjoy them. Another interesting point is the style, as The Ingrattabili is told in first person while Crusher feline arm of the law is flour bag Cassius, then we can say that changing the narrative voice changes too. Hard incorruptible and pure bull terrier, more subtle and reasoned the wily feline. In any case, you must believe me the word but I invite you to look for in a bookstore and browse a few pages. You enter a world of talking animals that never ever could be Disney, with its brutal carnicidi, interspecies prostitution, etc.. fun and fascinating, more reminiscent of Fritz the Cat Tom & Jerry, Goofy and Mickey Mouse and company, with the addition of this atmosphere of smoky noir film that dissolves but does not ridicule Areas. Something we've never read before. Yes, Orwell's Animal Farm , you say ... okay, but I have not read, and amen, and peace to my soul as well as yours.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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Books interrupted

Here, while we are all veterans of bookish memes, and Frost the massive project of preparing 100 BOOKS TO APPEAR FIGH (upper case has it him and put him to put me well , because the project is big for real), I get to the surface a few thoughts on books I've read, but especially those not, with all the goodwill, there arrived at the bottom.
Here, Captain periods - to me, to you, to everyone - not even guess a book to get them in the cart type refrigerated yogurt. This year - okay, last year now - I laid eyes on maps of my dreams of Reif Larsen , for graphic design (it is accompanied by drawings and maps "drawn by the hero) and I was fascinated by bad ideas, then with the recommendation of Stephen King: "The books are a great gift for readers who are lucky enough to find them. This book is a tremendous gift ", I was convinced - more infatuated in advance - it was the right book.
Well, then I started and I must say ... nice, eh! Yes, but anyway ... I say, everything is fine, but too many flashbacks , reasoning in the form of conditional or almost memories and flights of fancy (even Pindar could say "What do you flying to?") to get (or not) to the point. To say, I stopped at page 44 and everything that has happened since is the protagonist who was to peel off cobs with his sister until his mother called him at home not to answer the phone. That's all. Yes, in an ear and a "Hello?" On the phone, the trial was told the story of her family, weaving together stories about the cowboy father, mother entomologist's sister preteen etc., but the pace is not support it so well (although the story, I admit, is original and intriguing), in fact without even realizing it, I gave up there to go ahead with another, and only a few days ago m'è thought of it still pending there. Well, now I have no desire to resume in hand, then we'll see.

Another hole in the water was Manituana the collective Wu Ming , which to me - I know - bad luck, because in its previous incarnation Luther Blissett I tried to read Q , but even there I contract (mostly capitulated m'è head from boredom, falling forward with a hint of bauscina semi-coma). I have not read much of them, and then maybe wrong, but what went wrong between me and their books is that sense of well-designed homework, in-depth research done at home by first class, all infused in a book that also suffers from the syndrome of the test as soon as fictional. See, I did not digest that stuff. Either I write a novel with a setting credible or give me an essay packed tidbits of information, groped to get them together is like pairing a cat with a parrot, and I like both - separately - but I doubt it could be something better pappagatto a verbose and annoying, as indeed is IMHO what they have produced Wu Ming, Luther Blissett or However will be named tomorrow morning. Even

Sweeney Todd, I must say ... the beast, what a bore! In this case, however, the fault may be the period in which it was written, and then the annoying stupidity of female protagonists is perhaps attributable to the author's misogyny Anonymous . The fact remains that it is still there, in vain waiting to be picked up. Well, Sweeney, put a lid on it. I have placed on you.
So this is my podium Books interrupted for the year just past. What I wonder is: you also have banged my nose on a rock paperback or hardcover? I'd like to know what are the titles on your platform and why you are disappointed, maybe you are comparing those who love it and I did lengthen the eyelids, or vice versa. I mean, give me a bunch of your affairs. Come on, surely that in 2010 (or even this month) have closed at least a book with the same satisfaction with which he slams the door on a pain in the ass, you just have to name names.

Friday, January 14, 2011

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Post accazzo

What may be said to be my main problem in writing a post (and thus update the blog) is usually blessed - or more appropriately, cursed: 'And now, what I mean? ". Often prefer to write rather than comment on my post (if you have noticed one of you hath been found a comment I almost longer than his post). I do not do it on purpose, I swear, is that so me from scribbled. Too bad, too. In addition, this year I have seen films or read books that m'abbiano inspired by the desire to throw down a cineracconto or a parody to the waste of paper or film suffered.
Mind you, I've seen stuff as to curl the nose hairs of Satan, but never one that would give me the urge to write or comment on the matter. Here, things like 2012 - which is actually in 2009 but I I've seen this year (because let me) - the movie dull catastrophic maya friendly with John Cusack, who I like as an actor (maybe that makes a bit 'so, by one who woke up in the morning in a plot already done step by step and suddenly, somehow making it credible that he knows what us). I swear, I did not know whether to laugh or pass the pumice and tulips, just to make something useful of my life in those two hours or whatever it is.
Then, behold, this year I read Firmino Sam Savage, who to me if there is one thing that makes sympathy are mice and rats (okay, we say that coccolabilità checks the podium, however, are creatures that I admire for adaptability and evolution strategies), yet, if I look back now, is very reminiscent of that book. Yes, some good ideas as to describe the different taste of the pages of books by author, and his stubborn great that I made him think like a rat in the deformed Quasimodo, disgusted by the world and therefore sympathetic to excellence, but then c 'What is this, namely that I can not remember how it ends, and this is serious, because when you close a book you like, what you write something, then you have left a feeling or a memory. But no. Boh, we see that basically no I liked it so much. Too bad, because there were a fleet of good ideas, such as his setting for the film and then risque irrational and disturbing attraction to the human, but the rest ... then Puf! Okay, adieu Firmino. Here
, but there is one of its illustrious predecessor, accidentally discovered centuries ago, thanks to Euroclub (from which I then disengaged with difficulty), the unobtainable - or painfully found - Memoirs of a rat Andrzej Zaniewski, which I find right now have been reviewed recently (2004) by Horror Magazine, because I was trying to find out how accipugnetta you write the name of the author. Here, the rat is a rat, a sewer rat who does not read and do not dispirited, which makes the rat full-time and "tells" himself in a sort of stream of consciousness, that book and I loved it all ' era. Every so often I feel to read it, but then there would be too much, and then farewell to the new books.
Yes, I have books that sometimes I want to read (the Meme I made us think), which for me are like a sacred religious texts. Do not you think I'm voting fanaticism bookish liturgical, eh! Is that on certain volumes has formed my taste of the reader, and not only that, I abandoned the old ideas to marry again or have given me a hand to the tip blunt and refine those as a bit 'rough, then a law that - okay, I law ... to complete myself, to seek in other people's ideas the right words to describe what I have in tumultuous and confused (yes, I used two adverbs in mind -one behind the other, peace). Here, for me, books like these, are (among others) the trilogy His Dark Materials of Pullman and The Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson , and do not even know where to begin to tell you what they mean to me.
course had a weight on my transition from a faith do-it-yourself (never been a Catholic or even Christian for five minutes in my life) through agnosticism always curious about the religious nature of man (rather than God) atheism comfortable in recent times. Yes, because they already asked me about this before and that in those pages I've seen reported with other voices and other tones brought out the brooding and somehow helped to arrange his thoughts. You well, do not you do the long post because it would take a special (maybe even write it if I can put ideas in order enough).

Here, one last thing, just to make sure I do not give any reasonable sense of continuity to this post, is "okay" which - you may have noticed - is one of my typical interlayer, a term with which I run things out of the quagmire into which I often sludge. Do not even ask you if it bothers or disturbs you, so I'd use it anyway. I bring him because I know to use it plenty, along with "well", "boh" and "good" - the three B's "yes, but let's move on" - the sole purpose of pulling in annoyingly long for those who are wondering, "Yes, but what's the point? And there will never come? ". Then, make peace with yourself, there's no point. This is admittedly a post "to fuck", right?
Here, I just wanted to put that there since I started writing I became more conscious of my way of expressing myself, being that the frequency and use in my speech as well as in writing. It also happens to you? I swear, sometimes corrects me mentally say the sentences before or after they have been called, looking for the best composition to express the concept. It must be pathological, but until they send me the nurse Ratched , okay. The problem - or good - the recurring phrases that I like and do not give up until our report does not come to a dead end . The fact that I write in colloquial way - indeed, exactly as I speak - it helps to exploit these expressions gather around and which they sometimes abuse.
Okay ( eccallà ), in the latter part we have not understood a thing or so, but to me it seemed so beautiful finish, leaving a sense of: "I do not understand I've got a bat, or is a moron or a genius. " Well, I will not reveal the secret, though the bookmakers in London harm "genius" only 80 to 1, say.

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Candlemas Prayer Water of Love

If you were to ask me WHAT' Love (with a capital A) and I can tell you that 'as a source, a' pure exhaustible source that flows from the source, but this source can not be found anywhere on earth but comes directly from Heaven.
And like an overflowing spring constantly you can not 'stop, you can' only take and distribute, and no matter how much love you can 'pick from this source: it is God or the Infinite, the source, it will exist' always in large quantities' that no one will 'never say it' s over.

And being the source, and 'clear and limpid and pure, like reciting the saint among the saints, St. Francis St. Francis of Assisi. This 'means that you can' never contaminate, if not later, but not when it leaves the source.

And everyone can draw from the source of Love, without exception, men even more 'violent and evil is prevented, if only he wanted to.

It does not even look, just stop and listened to the heart and wanting to. Yes, listen, listen to the soul, our soul we will put 'immediately in contact with this inexhaustible source. And since

makes no distinction, beautiful or ugly, good or bad, Christian or Muslim, or atheist priests, politicians or communists, blacks or white, rich or poor, teaches us how little our beliefs are important, our cultures, our separations.

Do not be afraid to tap this source, do not be ridiculous but feel happy to collect in abundance, 'cause you never miss', assetatevi this source of love and make many more thirsty' people possible.

give her, and all donatela always, do not look in your pocket, those who gave and who must give: give to the rich and poor, to blacks as to whites, who loves you and who does not, in who is smiling and who despises you. Donate

always water of Love!

The photo above is taken by " crouchy69 on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Venus and Lucifer

I've always wondered how Lucifer, from Latin word composed of " lux" light, " ferre" carry, or "light-bearer " may have been associated with evil, the enemy of good is talking about Jesus' the Christ. In fact in the Gospels there is no reference to this name, but always and only to the devil or Satan.
And if that were the case, 'proper names Luca, Lucio, Lucia, Lucia, all with "lux" as root I would not have been so' well accepted in society ', did indeed have happened.

astronomy we know that Lucifer, the Latin name of the equivalent greek Phosphoros , is the name of the planet Venus when and 'visible in the morning, before sunrise (see photo). In this case, that impact is very positive and 'one who accompanies the above, the light of day. Even in pre-Christian religion, Lucifer with a divinity Diana was' positive, not only for the greek-roman world, but for everyone, from the Sumerians (Inanna), Babylonians (Ishtar), the Maya (who built a calendar on the motion of Venus), Indians (the gods 'Shukra), East and Japan (the rising and Venus' Akio) by the peoples of Africa (for the Maasai was Kileken) up to the Australian Aborigines (Yolngu for was Barnumbirr).

The misunderstanding was born a few centuries after Christ, in translating the Bible into Latin by some church fathers.
The only reference (the only one!) And 'in book of Isaiah, chapter 14 (verse 12) when speaking generically the "morning star " or "son of ' aurora" (Hebrew "Ben Sahar hêlel "), but as personifications name of a Babylonian king (Nebuchadnezzar perhaps), perhaps too casually translated as "Lucifer ".
It 's a pretty clear context of sarcasm towards the ambitious king, aspiring to become a god on earth, which is precipitated into hell by God and mocked by the king already fallen for the same reason, an event that precedes the liberation of the Jews from Babylonian captivity.
Here is the passage:

" How come you fell from heaven, Lucifer, son of (hêlel Ben Sahar)! How come you were down on the ground, the ruler of peoples? What do you think in your heart, "I will climb into the sky above the stars of God exalt my throne will dwell upon the mount of the extreme northern limit. I will climb higher in the clouds, liken to the Almighty." There, now you have been precipitated in sheol, into the depths of .

At this point, identification with the fallen angel Lucifer, or Satan and 'automatic when you consider the passage of Ezekiel (28, 12-19) where he mentions the fall of an angel belonging to the ranks of cherubim, guarding the Garden of Eden.

" You were a model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, in Eden, the garden of God, (...). You were perfect in your conduct, since you were created, till iniquity was found in thee. Growing your trades, you became filled with violence and sin, and I have driven from the mountain of God and I have destroyed, cherub, among the stones of fire. Your heart was proud because of your beauty, your wisdom was corrupted by reason of thy brightness: I have thrown to the ground and have set before the king to see you .

as I mentioned in the Gospels is always used the Hebrew word satan or the adversary, as in Luke (10, 17) where he mentions even the fall of the angel cast out of heaven :

" The seventy returned with joy, saying:" Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. "He said," I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. But do not rejoice because the demons are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven .

is how a probable error of biblical translation and interpretation is likely to cause confusion between the terms. After all, the devil we know well smart, which circumvents his true identification, often making believe for another ..

Main :
- Wikipedia, Lucifer
- Wikipedia, Venus (astronomy)
-, Book of Isaiah
- Burrini Gabriel, Lucifer in biblical sources
- Blog Lollymagic, Lucifer the truth '
- Sator was, Lorraine Smith, the pentacle of the planet Venus Astronomical

The photo above is taken by "Dave Smith " on Flickr, Creative Commons license.
The images of the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, in the public domain, are details of the frescoes of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, Rome.