Friday, January 28, 2011

Real Gold Tokyo Marui Desert Eagle

Sunshine Award: I won and I ... well, you might even have won it you. Check the list! Shortness of breath

Yes, I know that there is a prize that goes like chain letters, which is not a contest but one thing between blogger friends and all that stuff, but glad because you give it to you who is still the law, and if he does it because he likes what you write beyond the fact that you do one thousand thousand users per day, or just your aunt Philomena she knows only connect on the Internet homepage, where you - bastard - you put the blog to make sure at least his visits, so the Sunshine Award at me like I gave it to me because Michael, I read recently (and maybe that's why me vote, but we do not say it) and we have already convinced that it was worth giving me this award. I can not run again in my turn, eh? Okay. Thanks, I words. Indeed, the fact and I have to finish the post.

Then, the rules of the Sunshine Award are easy easy:
  1. bears the logo of the premium in the post. Done!
  2. Thank you to those who voted. Done!
  3. appointed twelve other blog. Ostia!, Twelve?
Okay, we hope to do it and go with the strict order alfabetologico!

So , the Sunshine Award goes to ...
Alex McNab Girola , that when I follow it puts an interesting post after another, and then hath been invented Survival Blog on all by myself and 'I'm the guy you just can not deny an award, deserves them all.

Eva Luna, which I discovered recently and am interested in his reviews and pleasant manner in which he writes.

Ferruccio Gianola , who collects them and maybe this can end up with the folder points to be covered with merino Shimano. Oh, and then those who follow him loves him, there is little to be done.

gelostellato (all lower case, for the love of Beelzebub!, Who cares, but Frost's okay with a capital letter - it 'that stuff, I miss just want to know how the coffee and then we duck twins), because it is only him but also because the touch - perhaps (but it does, then?) - write another post on the Sunshine Award, and this upset him nicely. Oh, and mind you that revenge is not a cross why do not you tell me what it means Cagunzio! And now excuse me, I have no limarmi the nose if I scratch the walls and pull down the pictures.

Jonlooker , commenting in a fun and the most brilliant advertising that passes orripugnanti TV. Thank you for the sacrifice, but especially for hilarious results.
Polideuce , which updates his blog daily with the constancy of a Carthusian Monaco. Or the Byzantine Empire, which keeps us more!

Queen of Toucans , who writes from the canyon and recounts the life of lil desert frontier between the civilized and the wild Los Angeles. Or was it the other way around? No no, I know it's more just like this.

Cora Simone, who writes many of those reviews that I wonder where you find time for his stories and - well, even to live, after all. He is also good, damn him!

Snefru that post interesting history between the period of Marie Antoinette and other far more mundane and fooling around, is one of the most enjoyable to follow.
Eh, what next? Oh, not so many that followed. Yes, there would be big ones, followed by legions of people ... but to give him an award of this kind seems to me to bring the eggs to the chickens. What is the point? No, I prefer to reward those who know little, or better, with the wish not to become large and followed by a thousand thousand people - the mass, I wish that too, because they deserve it - but above all to continue to have fun doing what they do, then is the most important thing.


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