I scattered the voice, rather than spread it, on the initiative of that great Cagunzio of gelostellato - all lower case, which keeps us (the Cagunzio But no, I know, but that I could not resist) - about the 100 BOOKS TO APPEAR FIGH has mentioned here and here short and a bit 'I already mentioned, too, because let's face it, it seems to me an idea that could only have him, so much as Fique crowds. And good Frost, I'll Pat-pat! the little head!
Yes, but for you who do not know anything and you feel you do thud! down from pear (oh, you will do well dropping a thud, or not?), It will be well spent two words. So what are these books to look cool? Well, they are the ones that everybody talks about but few have read, these best sellers who have influenced popular culture, which are cited most of the gospels in church and so on. Books that even someone known to have been books before that film, type Tarzan and King Kong to say. And you, as you're cool, or - to stay in theme - as it seemed through your readings? Oh, but do not rush to read the list, because the project is still ongoing (and then I washed in front of exits, and eye that slips), you can even join the discussion on the 100 that will form The final classification Blog gelostellato , but first I just read very carefully the two posts that I linked at the beginning, then Frost s'incazza that should explain everything to everyone, one by one, every time. Poor guy.
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