Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Venus and Lucifer

I've always wondered how Lucifer, from Latin word composed of " lux" light, " ferre" carry, or "light-bearer " may have been associated with evil, the enemy of good is talking about Jesus' the Christ. In fact in the Gospels there is no reference to this name, but always and only to the devil or Satan.
And if that were the case, 'proper names Luca, Lucio, Lucia, Lucia, all with "lux" as root I would not have been so' well accepted in society ', did indeed have happened.

astronomy we know that Lucifer, the Latin name of the equivalent greek Phosphoros , is the name of the planet Venus when and 'visible in the morning, before sunrise (see photo). In this case, that impact is very positive and 'one who accompanies the above, the light of day. Even in pre-Christian religion, Lucifer with a divinity Diana was' positive, not only for the greek-roman world, but for everyone, from the Sumerians (Inanna), Babylonians (Ishtar), the Maya (who built a calendar on the motion of Venus), Indians (the gods 'Shukra), East and Japan (the rising and Venus' Akio) by the peoples of Africa (for the Maasai was Kileken) up to the Australian Aborigines (Yolngu for was Barnumbirr).

The misunderstanding was born a few centuries after Christ, in translating the Bible into Latin by some church fathers.
The only reference (the only one!) And 'in book of Isaiah, chapter 14 (verse 12) when speaking generically the "morning star " or "son of ' aurora" (Hebrew "Ben Sahar hĂȘlel "), but as personifications name of a Babylonian king (Nebuchadnezzar perhaps), perhaps too casually translated as "Lucifer ".
It 's a pretty clear context of sarcasm towards the ambitious king, aspiring to become a god on earth, which is precipitated into hell by God and mocked by the king already fallen for the same reason, an event that precedes the liberation of the Jews from Babylonian captivity.
Here is the passage:

" How come you fell from heaven, Lucifer, son of (hĂȘlel Ben Sahar)! How come you were down on the ground, the ruler of peoples? What do you think in your heart, "I will climb into the sky above the stars of God exalt my throne will dwell upon the mount of the extreme northern limit. I will climb higher in the clouds, liken to the Almighty." There, now you have been precipitated in sheol, into the depths of .

At this point, identification with the fallen angel Lucifer, or Satan and 'automatic when you consider the passage of Ezekiel (28, 12-19) where he mentions the fall of an angel belonging to the ranks of cherubim, guarding the Garden of Eden.

" You were a model of perfection, full of wisdom, perfect in beauty, in Eden, the garden of God, (...). You were perfect in your conduct, since you were created, till iniquity was found in thee. Growing your trades, you became filled with violence and sin, and I have driven from the mountain of God and I have destroyed, cherub, among the stones of fire. Your heart was proud because of your beauty, your wisdom was corrupted by reason of thy brightness: I have thrown to the ground and have set before the king to see you .

as I mentioned in the Gospels is always used the Hebrew word satan or the adversary, as in Luke (10, 17) where he mentions even the fall of the angel cast out of heaven :

" The seventy returned with joy, saying:" Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name. "He said," I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning. Behold, I have given you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you. But do not rejoice because the demons are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven .

is how a probable error of biblical translation and interpretation is likely to cause confusion between the terms. After all, the devil we know well smart, which circumvents his true identification, often making believe for another ..

Main :
- Wikipedia, Lucifer
- Wikipedia, Venus (astronomy)
- Adonaj.net, Book of Isaiah
- Burrini Gabriel, Lucifer in biblical sources
- Blog Lollymagic, Lucifer the truth '
- Sator was, Lorraine Smith, the pentacle of the planet Venus Astronomical

The photo above is taken by "Dave Smith " on Flickr, Creative Commons license.
The images of the prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel, in the public domain, are details of the frescoes of Michelangelo in the Sistine Chapel, Rome.


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