Sunday, November 21, 2010

Templeton Foreign Fund

Stunts with cars in GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas Cars

Here is a video filled with spectacular stunts ... you just have to press play and enjoy the show ...

By Maxy

Do Ovarian Cysts Cause Pain In The Knee

indestructible! GTA San Andreas

there a way to create a closed car indestructible!
If you have tried to turn the trick "self destructive" (the cars have the same effect as a tank: the vehicles explode as soon as you touch them with your car) you may have noticed that the machine, while behaving like a tank, is destroyed, for example if you shoot a bazooka hit with a gun or tank cap or do the reverse ... explodes.
If you activate the cheat and then turn off your car, that car and only one will remain indestructible ...
The only negative thing I can say about this method is that if the car is completely engulfed in flames, you can not use it until the fire will not be turned off (but I do not think it's a big problem because this should happen Only in rare cases).
here is a video demonstration:

NOTE: This procedure has been tested only on GTA San Andreas (PS2 version) is not guaranteed to work on other versions GTA. (If you want, you can also try other versions and if it works post a comment and the post will be changed ...).

By Maxy

Make A Tornado Phiten Smaller

Drift in GTA San Andreas Stunt

By Sergio

Clarithromycin Side Effects Bad Taste Mouth

with tank in GTA San Andreas

Download video: Download
By Maxy

How Can I Get Rid Of Black Marks On My Lcd Tv

explosive jumps from skyscrapers

download 1 ° video: download

download the 2nd video: download
By Maxy

Are Skin Tags Normal In Dogs

parachute jump ...

CJ is dropped from a plane that exploded shortly after the parachute opens your mind ...

Download video: Download
By Ricky

After Christmas Tv Price Drop

Invisible Man firing in GTA San Andreas

I had just failed the mission "Wrong Side of the Tracks" on behalf of Big Smoke, I got on the engine of the train after stopping it I found a gun that was pointed at me and shot ...

download the video: download
By Maxy

How To Downlod Amtrak Micrsoft

Stunt car with the car in GTA Vice City

download the video: download
By Maxy

Biffyclyro Midi Files

survived an explosion

I was flying a hydra and I was doing some small tricks when I crashed into a building, the plane exploded, but CJ has survived!

download the video: download
By Maxy

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Hymen, What Does It Look Like


existence there a law stating that everything 'that is done sooner or later return. If you and 'we will return done good' good, and if we hurt, we will return 'evil.
It 's the Law of Karma, according to Indian culture or if you want the law of retaliation described in the triplets of the Divine Comedy, or even bibbliche the proverb "he who sows the wind picks Storm" (Book of Hosea 8:7), or the saying of Cicero, ut sementem feceris, ita metes (as you sow, so reap - De speaker 2, 65, 261).
and this law is' explained also by the similarity Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov bank of heavenly :

"The banks do not exist only on the ground: banks are also in Heaven. emanations All our bright and pure, all our actions, our feelings and our thoughts inspired by the noble, selfless love and generosity are classified as unknown to us from celestial entities who have this task and are then placed in heaven as a capital
bank in our name: it is as if we had opened an account. Later, when experiencing difficulties or want to do of good and help the creatures, we seek help and support: the bank granting us know immediately. But if there is no registered capital, Heaven knows the bank there.
many are wondering if their prayers are heard or not from heaven! Here's the answer: Heaven hears and answers only those who have deposited in the bank of the riches of God. "

The photo above is taken by" swisscan "on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What Should I Do To Prepare For Brazilian

Raelians heavenly messengers of Elohim

"Bereshit bara Elohim " or "In the beginning God (in the Bible, the first name that is called God and 'plural) created the heavens and the earth " but maybe "In the beginning Elohim created the heavens and the earth .

I would like to know the readers of this blog, for those who do not know it already ', the Raelian movement .
They call themselves a religion (in the Latin sense of religere or bind together) an atheist, as has' been called Buddhism. I would like to introduce you to the people here in Italy, belong to the 'cause have a heart full of love and that' s so great it brings to mind the passage in the Gospel of Matthew (7, 17) which states that ' good tree is known by its fruit. And the fruits that come from these people find that they are truly beautiful.
God, in its immensity 'of Love, allows men to pray in this way' so many different ways that I am convinced that even Realiani, imitating the extraterrestrial Elohim, conveying their message and waiting for their arrival, making 'their will' also do the will 'of God, our Father himself.
Blessed be the gods' in you.

Wikipedia, the Raelian movement

The official site in Italy, where you can download free books and where to contact Rael:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Films, Scenes Explicit

Taming cells

" Did you see the beasts in a circus? As long as the trainer is present, they stay calm and obey him, but as soon as he walks away, roar, they cause each other and are ready to jump on each other. Well, you know that the same thing happens with the cells of your body. As long as you are present, they are submissive and dominated, but as soon as you leave, as soon as you become negligent, they are only their head and your body is affected in a painful way.
You must therefore take care of your cells, make them come to your senses, nourish, purify, and then, obviously, you no longer see them as a beast, but as your children. Only when you are able to train them to perform their job without question and without fighting, you will know peace at last. "

Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov

The photo above is taken by " Jurvetson " on Flickr, Creative Commons license

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Riverside Glory Holes

love forever

" When someone wants to start a family, he is obliged to make efforts to out of himself, to open another - husband or wife - and later their children. However, the error of human beings is to not have understood they had to widen the circle even family, and extend their love other creatures, the whole universe. why are not
still happy, even with the their family and their friends. Happiness lies in not only be a stop, or two or ten or one hundred ... but to love forever. Continue therefore to love those who already love, but widened again circle of your love to have exchanges with all superior creatures: angels, archangels, hierarchies heaven, the Lord ... Then, your family and your friends will enriched, enhanced, embellished, cleansed, thanks to all who cherish the sublime states your heart and your soul. "

Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov

The photo above is taken by " TheLadyOfTheLake " on Photobucket - Granted license in "Terms of Use Agreement "

Monday, July 26, 2010

If You Saw One Cockroach Do You Have More?

The spiritual rose

" A tradition reports that the roses are separate from the planet Venus they have agreed to incarnate on Earth to help humans. But who knows the mission of roses? "We need them to decorate the gardens and apartments, to attract a man or seduce a woman. In fact, the rose has the task of revealing the path of true love.'s role, the message of the rose.
If the rose is considered the queen of flowers, is because it teaches us true love, love that imprisons the love that liberates. The day humans will understand the sacrifice it has made coming together and agreeing to receive his message, perhaps it will become similar: everywhere, as they pass, will impregnate the atmosphere of a delicious perfume. "

Omraam Mikhael Aïvanhov

The photo above is taken by" Hamed Saber "on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Monday, June 7, 2010

A Period Without Blood


The Shinto Tomoe is a symbol that has analogy with the most famous Taoist symbol.
As Tao in Chinese, there are two energies or principles, one female and one male, called Yin and Yang in Taoism and Shintoism in In respectively (female) and Yo (male).

interesting is the presence of a third symbol spiriforme, called by the Chinese and Japanese Yuan Musubi, which is explained by the pantheistic conception of the world or Shinto, or "Everything is God" and "God is Everything." In this conception of the universe is everything, and only divine manifestation, then this third component, which is generated by the first two, representing the universe in all its manifestations, and then the third principle is the manifestation of cosmic, or a component of energy-material. "

would wonder if this Shinto trinity has some analogy with the Trinity of Christianity certainly come in two completely different contexts, the West and Far East, and there is no equality between the terms Father, Son and Holy Spirit In Yo and Yuan. However, given as a unit and not separated into three components, all to the same truth converge.

For more information:
Wikipedia - Shinto Trinity
Satorws - Tomoe

Friday, June 4, 2010

Team Zissou Shoes For Sale

The divine couple , Izanagi and Izanami

recounted in the Kojiki (Memoirs Antiquity) of the Shinto tradition that the world was created by the divine couple, Izanagi (meaning "one who calls ") and Izanami (meaning "one who calls "), or the first man and the first woman.
They are thus the progenitors of all kami (Shinto deities). Originally

on Earth existed only a vast ocean, then bring out the land the two kami took a spear (see picture on the side ) which mixed the muddy ocean floor and drew out: the mud poured from the pipe was born the first island, followed by eight others, who make up the existing islands of Japan.

The divine couple then decided to leave the kingdom of Heaven and Earth moving. So it was that the first four children were born: the god of the sea O-Wata-Tsu-Mi , the god of the mountains, O-Yama-Tsu-Mi , the god of the trees, Kuku-no-chi and the god of the wind, Shina-Tsu-Hiko .
The fifth son, the god of fire Kagu-Tsuchi burned his mother in genital parts to such an extent that he died. The father Izanagi, full of rage, beheaded the god of fire and went into the underworld to bring back to Earth's sister-wife. Since
Izanami had already eaten the food of the underworld had become impure. Izanagi would be able to save if return journey he had never watched, but an impatience to see it (and saw it really horrible) betrayed him, so she sent him forth from the underworld, and finally turned into demons, then became the queen.

Back on Earth, Izanagi blew his nose so hard, purified from impurities, which begat the god of storms Susanoo. Finally, in his right eye was born the god of the Moon, Tsukuyomi , and his left eye, the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu .

For further :
Wikipedia - Izanagi - \u200b\u200bIzanagi to the underworld

Toothbrush And Waterpik Combination

E 'in my opinion much better the image above, shows the goddess Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess (who knows why the sun is female in Japan ..), which, as legend reported here , was released from the cave in which it was hidden to avoid the mischievous brother. It 's the long-awaited moment by the men and all other kami (or deities), which terminates the long eclipse on Earth caused by his absence.

E ', however, as improper translation of the kami or gods, or at least is an understatement. Kami is a beautiful word in my opinion (which is greater correspondence with the Deva religion Hindu) that identifies the spiritual aspect of everything that exists in nature.
Kami is the guiding spirit who lives in the living thing as well as in the inanimate: plants like stones, mountains, rivers, seas, forests, streams, clouds, the sky. The forces of nature, wind, rain, storms, lightning strikes are kami.
curious that, given that the human being is part of nature, does not refer to man as kami, even if it is: this is because in their culture kami is also an honor to the noble and sacred souls, while themselves do not assign any award ever, out of respect.

Kami are also of how we understand Western the time of the Greeks and Romans. The Shinto pantheon includes:
Izanagi, the first man
Izanami, the first woman
Amaterasu, the Sun Goddess
Susanoo, god of the seas and storms
Inari, the god of rice
Shinigami, the god of death
Tsukuyomi, the god of The significance of the moon

Kami is not limited simply to the nature and the gods but also includes cultural aspects of Japan and may be extended to the great men (now deceased) of Japan.
therefore distinguish three broad categories of Kami: Kami

  1. Natural (celestial and terrestrial)

  2. Cultural Kami (Community and functional)

  3. Kami Rights (such Hitogami)

Kami Community protect a particular clan, while dealing with the functional processes of human life, such as growth, jobs and the economy. The Kami are human instead of historical figures within recognized as heroes or patriots.

As Shinto has its roots in the distant, there are kami that represent the spirit of the ancestors , both of ordinary families, and the nobility.
Even the emperors of Japan were akitsumikami (kami ground, manifest) until 1946, when, after the humiliating military defeat of the Second World War, Emperor Hirohito declared the nation by radio not to be. However, all the emperors trace the lineage of their family by the first emperor Jimmu (660 BC), which in turn derives from the goddess Amaterasu.

Finally, as there are kami? Infiniti
it seems, as there are many manifestations of nature and the human ones. The Shinto provide a number: Yaoyorozu-no-kami or 8 million kami: no coincidence that the number 8 is universally known to indicate infinity. If you rotate 90 degrees, it becomes the mathematical symbol for infinity, 8 as the Bagua Trigrams Chinese, the Buddhist eightfold path, 8 days for the transfiguration of Christ.

For further :
Japan, Folklore, kami

Friday, May 28, 2010

Corner Bathroom Mirror

shimenawa eight million kami, sacred rope

Here is another example of the concept of nature in sacred Shinto , religion essentially pantheistic (God is everything and everything is God). Just as the
Torii, that is the portal to the gods (or ascension to the upper floors), can be found everywhere, as a gateway to the temple or in the middle of nature, including the American String shimenawa or may be almost everywhere, due to the horizontal part of a torii, or in nature, such as suspended between two rocks and the sea ..
It consists of a braid of rice straw, which are hung strips of paper (the so-called Gohei). And, like the mirror, the shimenawa is a representation of divinity.

Source: Wiki, Shinto (Sacred Rope)

Please also read an interesting blog post Samurai73 .

The photo above is taken by " smaku " on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Custom Built Motherboards

One of the most characteristic symbols of the Shinto religion is undoubtedly the mirror.
I find it absolutely amazing (and deep) the concept of the mirror is associated with the deity. In Japan
the kamidana, the votive altars to kami, or Shinto deities, not a statue but rather are represented .. from a mirror! I mention this magnificent
definition (taken from INTK forum, post "The Symbols of Shinto Mirror " ):

" The mirror hides nothing, it shines without a selfish mind, inevitably reflects everything good or bad right or wrong. The mirror is the source because it has the virtue of honesty to respond depending on the shape of objects. It reveals the rightness el 'impartiality of the divine will. "

The deity is then is a mirror, because it reflects more faithfully and imparziabilmente all things, is always honest, fair, impaziale.

It is also true that ( cited by Wiki - Shinto ) :

" is very common indeed, particularly in modern Shinto, the use of a mirror to represent the deity. This is the best representation that could be modern man to understand a concept so profound. The mirror is in fact an indication that everything is reflected by its embodiment and manifestation of the gods. "

And this is linked to the pantheistic conception of the beautiful world that God is All, the kami are everything and everything is a kami, or sacred, and everything reflects that it is a landscape or even ourselves, is a manifestation divine.

The photo above is taken by " Starfires " on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How To Use Evening Primrose Oil To Soften Cervix

Torii divine mirror, the gates to heaven

Torii, a symbol of Shinto, the religion spread throughout Japan.
Fantastically light and elegant, represent a gateway to a sacred area , which may be the entrance to a Shinto shrine (Jinja), or access to a natural area, water or a forest: it is precisely because of this religion to consider not only the sacred temple, but all of nature, its elements and its manifestations.

simple construction consists of two vertical columns and horizontal pole at the top, traditionally painted in red color and made of wood or stone.
Pass under a torii is an early form of purification , whose care is very important to the Shinto.

"It represents the eternal interaction, since identification of the human world with the divine world. Torii Crossing a means to revitalize and renew the spiritual senses of continuous participation in the life, the entire universe and his own subjective existence. "
(source Wiki )

Torii Tori is composed of the word, which means" bird "with the addition of the final. This is because it is believed that originally they had been of support where to put the birds (and therefore an aviary), animals held in high regard as they are considered the bridge between Heaven and Earth, or between the human and the divine.

Legend has it that the sun goddess Amaterasu hid in a cave to escape his brother Susanoo and the world fell eclipse. Then the goddess to attract people out of the cave and built the first torii you settle on many birds, singing about the Goddess, curiously, looked out far enough so that the other gods pushed off the cave to allow the sun to come back to illuminate the Earth.

The above photoes are taken by " Ehnmark ", "Des Jardin Molly "And" jpellgen "on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Best Shotgun Mics For Film

Instead of Paola / She born in Milan
lives and works in lives and works in Turin and Milan

Training / Education

2000 - 2004 Städelschule, Staatliche Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Meisterschülerin, Frankfurt am Main
1996 - 1999 Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, Milan

Solo Exhibitions / Solo Exhibitions 2010 Greater

Turin. Instead Paolo - Paolo Piscitelli, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, curated by Irene Calderoni, Maria Teresa Roberto, Giorgina Bertolino
2009 Tapis-à-porter, Careof, curated by Francesca Pasini, Milan 2008
Flash out, Baroni Studio Associates Design, Milan
2007 The functional fake objects, Placentia Arte, Piacenza 2003
Abend Film: Paola Instead, Abteiberg Museum, curated by Veit Loers, Moenchengladbach
Exchange 2001. White Cube project, project / project by Elmgreen & Dragset, Städelschule, Frankfurt / Main

Group Exhibitions / Group Exhibitions 2010

White Night, City of Skopje - Youth Cultural Centre, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
The Compass Tin , Bovisa Triennale, curated by Stefano Mirti, Alessandro Guerriero, Milan
Nature and fate, Riccardo Crespi Gallery, Milan
2009 Opening of the Esperia Ballet meets contemporary art, curated by Search Short Sleeve Riding Lisa Reale, Turin
Meteorite in the garden, curated by Maria Centonze, Fondazione Merz, Turin
Sans les murs. Le complexe de Rittberger, Glassbox, Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris
2007 Leap Into the Void. Proposals XXII curated by a.titolo, Accademia Albertina, Torino
It Takes Something to Make Something, Die Sammlung Rausch, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main 2005
XII Biennial of Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, Castel Sant 'Elmo, Naples
Lido, a project / project by Anny & Sibel Öztürk, Kunsthalle, Düsseldorf 2004
Fact or Faith, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst, Hörstel
International Meeting of Photography, George Papzoff Art Gallery, Plovdiv
Fin, graduates, Stadel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
2003 Soffio, tour Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
showroom, Townhouse Gallery, Munster
festival of young talents, Alpha Channel, Offenbach
2002 Work in Progress Via B. Marcello 6, curated by Roberto Pinto, Milano
Open studio / tour, Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
2001 Class Christa Näher, Frankfurter Kunstverein, Frankfurt am Main
1999 Artwork Shop con, John Armleder, Casino Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Worhshop and lectures
2010 camera14 workshop for teenagers from 14 years, Kustverein Dortmund, Dortmund
Ingombri workshop for adults, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
Soft-Landscape workshop with NABA students, Fuori Salone del Mobile, Triennale Bovisa Milan

Press, 2010 Residenze-Awards/Residencies

Pact Zollverein, Essen
2009 Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris, Fondation Biermans-Lapôtre, Paris
2008 residency program, Passport Project, City of Turin, UniCredit Private Banking, Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte, Organized by Dena Foundation for Contemporary Art, Centre International d'Accueil et d'Echanges Recollets des, Paris.
2007 Workshop with Eva and Marisaldi and Tobias Rehberger, Fondazione Spinola Banna per l'Arte, Poirino
Workshop Proposals XXII with Stalker, curated by a.titolo, Torino
VideoIT-Prize, an award Artegiovane, Torino 2004
The Galileo Workshop Studio, Kunsthaus Gravenhorst, Hörstel
Prize Award-Moving up - Mobility, JHA
Torino Workshop Vitra Design Museum, Boisbuchet
2001Workshop Real Presence / SKC, Belgrade
2000 Erasmus Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main
1999 Artworkshop with with John Armleder, Casino de Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Lectures and workshops

Artist's presentation and screening, Paola Instead , by Luigi Fassi and Placentia Art Collection From Nogare Antonio, Bolzano
camera14-workshop für Jungendliche ab 14 Jahren, Dortmunder Kustverein, Dortmund
Dimensions-workshops for adults, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin
Soft-Landscape workshop with NABA students, Fuori Salone del Mobile, Triennale Bovisa Milan

Video Festivals

Optica Festival 2008 , Madrid - Gijon
TTV Riccione, Italy Competition 2008, Riccione
FestArte, Rome Video IT award Artegiovane, Torino
2005VideofestivalACCEA/NPAK, Yerevan

Bibliography / Catalogues

Irene Calderoni, Chronophilia, p.. 10-31 Greater-Torino, Paola Paolo Piscitelli Instead, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo
Chiara Bertola, Nature and Destiny, shows collective, Riccardo Crespi, Milan
2007 Francesca Comisso pag.90-95, Leap Into the Void, XXII Proposals, by a.titolo, Torino
Die Sammlung Rausch, pag.167, 220, 250, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main
2008 Video.It 9 - The object of the design environment, Young Art, Turin. Spaced Out
2003 Elmgreen & Dragset, p.. 24 to 25, Portikus, Frankfurt am Main
Since 2004, Abschlussausstelluntg der Städelschle, 2004 Staedelmuseum, Frankfurt am Main 2002
Demostation, Rirkrit Tiravanija, p. 15, Portikus, Frankfurt / Main

Artist publications / publications Artist

Compositions 2007, b / w, 1000 copies
The Functional Fake objects, color, 1000 copies


Alessandra Sandrolini, "Shopping-t", lovely daze, Magazine, Lisa issue7
Word, "The city that turns, Torino7, 29.01.10
Renato Rizzo, The Art Young in Turin, "The Press, 31.01.10
Francesca Picchi, Dimensions / Encumbrances, Domusweb, 2009 20:03:10
Francesca Pasini," Dancing with the art, "Linus, November 2009
" entanglement rather than in Meteorite Garden to Merz, Torino7, La Stampa, 08/31/2009 Lisa
Word, "to appear rug and hide," Torino7, La Stampa, 20:03:09
Instead Paola and Francesca Picchi, "Insecurity in architecture", Domus 926, pp.63-64
Francesca Picchi, "Tapis-à-porter, the vision of an organic architecture in the artistic Instead of Paola", Domus 924, pp. 82 to 85
2008 Alessandro Guerriero, "Furniture of the body, Made 05, No
26 2007 Devrim Bayar, "I'm Not a Plastic Bag", Code Magazine, No 5 Sandra Danicke
2006, "die Kleider Zwiebeln gebären" Art Kaleidoscope, Heft 1 / 06, Jan / April 06, pp. 62 to 65
2005 Ixtaso Diaz, "Etec, No Cover 6, p. 53
2001 Gabriele Nicol, "In Städel spielt die Fantasie" Frankfurter Rundschau 17:02:01
Dorothee Baer-arm protection, "A white cube for the chaos,"
2000 exchange students Städelschule ", Frankfurter Rundschau
Fill each for three days the White Cube", Frankfurter Rundschau, 09.12. 00
"KCD, International Nachwuchskunstler", Frankfurter Allgemeine, 07:12:00

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Difference Between Painful Gallbladder And Liver

The Pope and the Patriarch of the West

today I come to the attention of eight titles with which you can refer to the Holy Father (as reported Pontifical Yearbook of 2006):
  • Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ
  • ,
  • Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Church
  • universal ,
  • Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the
  • Roman Province,
  • Sovereign State of Vatican City,
  • Servant of the Servants of God
missing the fifth of nine historians, including the "Supreme Pontiff" and "Primate of Italy, which by Pope Leo I the Great to Benedict XVI from the fifth century at the dawn of the twenty-first century, was given, or the title of "Patriarch of the West , just deleted from the Pope in 2006.

pity that there is no more, because in my opinion important to fellowship with the Orthodox, as the Pope, in the light of the early centuries of Christianity, the fact of being bishop of Rome, home founded by the Apostle Peter , equal in importance to the other patriarchs of the East, where it is right to ask, who is in communion, as the patriarchs are among them.

The official reason seems to have fallen because they considered the concept of "the West" as it was originally in the first millennium, the West between the Holy Roman Empire and the Eastern Byzantine Empire. If so then would suggest the title "Patriarch of Rome, not for glory but for unity of Cristinesimo.

Source, The Courier, The Pope is no longer "Patriarch of the 'West'

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stream South Park Ipad

Patriarchs of Rome and Constantinople

Bartholomew I, Patriarch

Benedict XVI,
"Patriarch of Rome

Of the five patriarchs historical origin of Christianity, of Jerusalem, of Antioch of Alexandria of Rome and Constantinople , the last two, for various historical and political reasons, have taken the lead.
I would like to see them, like, no one dominates the other but united witness to the Christian message. So even the two apostles (and brothers) Simon Peter and Andrew , one became the first bishop of Rome and the second founder of the episcopal see to Byzantium and Constantinople, must focus on the other. So even the two rites, one Latin and the other greek. So also the question of the Trinity, if the Holy Spirit descends from the Father alone (ex patre procedit here, as I believe in Orthodox) or down from the Father and the Son ( ex patre filioque procedit here, as in Catholicism) theological issues that should not become swords of his ego, but personal opinions which is not the only commandment that Jesus gave us:

I give you a new commandment:
that you love one another as I have loved, so
you also love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples,
if you have love for one another
(John 13: 34-35)

photo of Benedict XVI, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, www. ( details )
Photo by Bartholomew I, the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, Massimo Finizio ( details )

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Does Boob Groping Feel Good

Joachim of Fiore

In this era where you feel strongly that the spirit of millenarian " end of the world", either for the messages of Our Lady's apparitions in Medjugorje monthly, you for today new age followers who identify in some Mayan prophecy (which is not a prophecy but an end of the calculation of the calendar) in 2012 as a turning point, I naturally turn to the past and consider the thought of millenarian distinguished theologians of the Middle Ages.

Among these, Joachim of Fiore (1130-1202), the Calabrian abbot and theologian, developed his thought in a period of history after one thousand years, when it was realized that the expectation of the imminent descent of the Messiah and the second the subsequent resurrection and Final Judgement should be turned back in history. He did
Joachim of Fiore in his theology of history in the "three ages of earthly history, "arguing that there was a time when he worked mainly on Father (where God revealed Himself in the Old Testament), then the time has operated mainly on Son (which inspired the New Testament ), and finally the modern times in which it operates mainly Holy Spirit (which is to begin by Gioachino 1260).
More precisely (source Wikipedia ):
  • Age of the Father: the narratives of the corresponding Testament, extended in time from Adam to Uzziah king of Judah (784-746);
  • Age of the Son: represented by the Gospel and including the advent of Jesus, extended in time from 1260 until Uzziah;
  • Age of the Holy Spirit : extended in time from 1260 until the end of the "sabbatical millennium," or that period in which humanity through a life lived in an atmosphere of purity and freedom would have had more grace.
no surprise that the era we live in is the era of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in the Gospels, Jesus Christ after his resurrection he breathed the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles so that they could operate in his name and our Father:

the evening of that same day, the first of the week, while the doors were locked the place where they were disciples for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, "Peace be with you." He showed them his hands and his side. The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you As the Father has sent me, so I send you." Having said this, he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit: whose sins are forgiven and who does not forgive them, are retained" . (John, 20, 19-23)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Clearing Throat In Mornings There's Blood

You are The

The revelation of Jesus Christ is one of the most revolutionary messages that have been delivered to the world. And 'when the revolutionary challenge the hypocritical Pharisees performing miracles in the days of the Jewish Sabbath (as if the miracles were banned on Saturday .. by whom? Was not done on Saturday for man and not man for the Sabbath?).
Among them, the statement "you are gods " (John 10:34) which is also the title of a book by philosopher Mikhael Omraam Aïvanhov , that just by reading the Gospel of John drew inspiration for his spiritual teachings.
for Jesus is surprised that it is possible that the Pharisees scandalizzino much of his statement that "the Son of God, when God himself, the Bible says they will have of those who have received the word of God our Father ...

The Jews took up stones again to stone him. Jesus replied: "I have shown you many good works from my Father; for which of these do you stone me?". The Jews answered him: "For a good work we stone thee not, but for blasphemy, because you, being a man, make yourself God." Jesus said to them: "Is it not written in your law, I said you are gods? Now if he called them gods, those to whom the word of God came (and Scripture can not be undone), the one who the Father consecrated and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming, because I said I am the Son of God? If you do not do the works of the Father I do not believe me, but if I do, even if you do not believe me, believe the works, that ye may know and understand that the Father is in me and I in him. "They tried to take it back then, but he escaped their hands.
Jn, 10.31 to 39

The photo above is taken by " reurinkjan " on Flickr, Creative Commons license.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Quo Mineral Tint Reviews

of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

" Jesus said: - Anyone blasphemy against the Son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven "
Thomas, 49

" Verily I say unto all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness for ever is guilty of an eternal sin .
Mark III, 28-29

Both the Synoptic Gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke) is that apocryphal Thomas are two types of oaths, those against the Son and those against the Holy Spirit, the first will be forgiven but the second leads to eternal damnation.

According to the explanation On the forum of Roman Catholics ( ) shows that the extreme blasphemy is that which rejects the faith and the gospel or the rejection of God and to accept the salvation that He offers us. Cito

" Why is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit unforgivable? How should this blasphemy? Meets St. Thomas Aquinas that it is a sin" unforgivable by its very nature, since it excludes the elements through which is the remission of sins. "
According to such an exegesis," blasphemy "does not properly consist in the words of the Holy Spirit is, however, in refusing to accept the salvation that God offers to man through Holy Spirit, operating under sacrifice of the Cross. " ( source)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

How To Make Shingles For A Barbie House

time Wesak

Thursday, April 1, 2010

99 Dollor Sale Weddingdresses

Jesus and the Canaanite woman

Party there, Jesus went to the parts of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a Canaanite woman who came from those regions, he shouted: "Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David. My daughter is tormented by a demon." But he answered her not a word.
Then the disciples came and urged him, "Send her away, as cries behind us."
But he said: "I was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." But that came and worshiped him, saying, "Lord, help me." And he said: "It is good to take the children's bread and cast it to dogs." "Yes, Lord," said the woman, but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table. " Then Jesus replied, "O woman, great is your faith! Do you wish will come." And from that moment her daughter was healed.

Matthew, 15.21 to 28

It 's a Gospel passage that makes me think, Jesus apparently a severe, that does not listen to the first plea for help from a woman, Canaanite, then a pagan land, with customs and traditions different from those Jewish idolaters (worshiping god Baal, including zebub Baal, Baal-zebub, then for the Jews became Beelzebub, another name for Satan), then compared to a "dog". Then Jesus, who always reads the hearts of men (and can not have prejudices), he knew what was in the heart of this woman. The hardness then, in my opinion, it may be a request for a trial of purification, which she accomplished through a great act of humility (is willing to accept the crumbs of bread) that can transmit only the sincere faith ..

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Discovery Channel Ringworm Episode

Thy will be done

One of the best photos in my view, depth of religious spirit, the work is titled " Thy Will Be Done "(ie," Thy will be done " thy is the archaic term for" your "and" will "will be used as a noun) and the artist Danny Hahlbohm .
Often I have come across the net, as a symbol of the Guardian Angel, or the descent of the Holy Spirit, but others may be personal interpretation, because, in the days of the holy settimama before Easter, I pray to Jesus evening in the Garden of Olives ..

The site of Danny Hahlbohm , , to discover other his works.

The photo above is taken by " Athenah_01 " on Photobucket - Granted license in "Terms of Use Agreement "

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Flea Bomb Fogger For Lice

Prana Jesus

Or a woman who for twelve years was suffering from bleeding and had suffered much under many physicians, spending all their assets no better but rather grew worse, heard of Jesus, was in the crowd behind him and touched his cloak. She said, "If I only touch his cloak, I shall be saved." It immediately stopped the flow of blood, and she felt in her body that she was cured of her disease.
But immediately Jesus, perceiving in that power had gone out from him , he turned to the crowd saying, "Who touched my clothes?". The disciples said: "You see the crowd pressing around you and say, Who touched me?". He looked around to see who had done it. And the woman in fear and trembling, knowing what had happened was, fell down before him and told him the whole truth. Jesus replied: "Daughter, your faith has healed you. It is' at peace and be healed of your disease."

Marco, 5, 25-34